Successes and Challenges in Conservation of Pacific Salmon in the 21st Century International Workshops
時間:2017_11_10 (Fri)
地點:國立台灣海洋大學 圖書館愛樂廳
8:30~9:20 |
Check in, group photo 報到、團體照 |
9:20~9:30 |
Chang, C.-F. 張清風 greeting 致詞 |
9:30~10:20 |
Gwo, Jin-Chywan 郭金泉 Toward the 100th anniversary discovery of Formosa landlocked salmon |
Break 休息 | |
10:30~11:20 |
Peter Rand Progress on North Pacific salmon conservation |
11:30~12:00 |
Zolotukhin Sergey, Antonov Alexander Review on masou salmon distribution within north of its mainland range |
Lunch 午餐 | |
13:00~13:50 |
Kentaro Morita 森田 健太郎 Ontogenetic changes in thermal habitats of Pacific salmon and their implications for the potential effect of rising temperature |
14:00~14:50 |
Francis Juanes Status and conservation of Pacific salmon in Canada |
Break 休息 | |
15:00~15:50 |
Kazumi Hosoya 細谷 和海 How to protect the endangered freshwater fishes -Basic idea for Formosan salmon- |
15:50~16:30 | Discussion 討論 |